Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blogging For Lauren ~ Updates As She Rides To Alaska

I thought I would start a blog about Lauren and her ride with Texas 4000; I'm not sure how frequent she will be able to post on her blog at the Texas 4000 website, so thought I would pass along information to you as it becomes available.

First, let me start off by saying how very much she appreciates all of you who either donated to the cause, gave her supporting words of encouragement, and offered up prayers for her and the other riders! Secondly, I want to say a special thank you to my sister Elaine, with whom we would have not gotten through Saturday's busy events without your tremendous help...we love you! And last, but not least, to all of you who showed so much support, spoke encouraging words, and were there for me, and listen to me proudly tell of Lauren's trip to Alaska, I cannot thank you enough...I am truly blessed to have each of you in my life!

So! I know it has been a few days since the Texas 4000 2010 riders headed out for Alaska, but with all of the festivities of the past 4 days; Lauren leaving, Liz graduating from high school, and friends and family gathering together, to say the least I was busy, busy, but it was definitely fun!

Lauren got off to a bumpy start on Friday; this was the day the riders left from the tower at UT, lunch at the bike shop, and the evening ending with a sunset send-off from The Oasis here in Austin. As many of you know, she took a bad fall on 360/Capitol of Texas Highway on her ride out to Cedar Park. I spoke with her last night, and she sounded like she was feeling much better; they had a day off in Dallas today, and is hoping she will be able to join the group tomorrow for their ride from Dallas to Lindsay, Tx. before crossing over into Oklahoma.

Lauren ~ ride far, ride fast, and remember those for who you ride ~ I'll see you in Alaska!

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