Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 43 ~ McBride, BC to Purden, BC Canada

First, let me start off by saying that the above pictures of the towns Lauren and the crew have ridden through thus far, are in reverse order of the way they are listed below in my post. Was not able to upload them in order, but hope you enjoy them anyway. ; )
The last I spoke with Lauren was via text message on July 13th; we had her phone switched over for International calls, so texting is somewhat cheaper than talking; but OH how I miss hearing her sweet voice! She let me know they were in Banff/Lake Louise, and that "it is absolutely gorgeous here...I wish you were here, and I love you!!!". Yes, Lauren, it is beautiful where you are; a little slice of heaven I'm sure! ; ) I have sent a couple of messages to her since, but have not heard back from her; I'm sure they are in areas where cell phone reception, and Internet are not the best. update everyone on where they are now: July 15th, they left Banff and headed to Jasper, a ride of 100.0 miles; July 16th, Jasper, Alberta crossing in to McBride, British Columbia, a ride of 103.0 miles. Today's ride was from McBride to Purden/Purden Lake, BC, a ride of 95.0 miles. I know I've said it before, but it is hard to believe they have already ridden that far; I'm certain it may not feel that way to her and the other riders though! LOL Tomorrow, they will ride in to Prince George, BC and have the day of the 19th off there.
Here's a little info on each of the towns that that have ridden through in the last few days........
Jasper, Alberta ~ a quiet small town in the heart of the Alberta Rockies. Mountain peaks crown the horizon in every direction; the majority of them are pristine and will remain so under the aegis of Canada's national park system. Mountain sheep, bears and elk, oh my, have a secure home here and can often be seen simply driving down the road! The town is also known for the famous Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge.
McBride, British Columbia ~ nestled between the rugged Canadian Rockies and the snow capped Cariboo Mountains, McBride lies in the beautiful Mt. Robson Valley, where the mighty Fraser River flows. McBride is on the Yellowhead Highway #16, with a population of 613.
Purden Lake, British, Columbia ~ is located 40 miles east of Prince George on the Yellowhead Highway #16. Purden Lake is well known by anglers for its rainbow trout fishing.
Prince George, British Columbia ~ situated where the Nechako River joins the Fraser River, near the center of British Columbia. The origins of Prince George can be traced to the North West Company fur trading post of Fort George, which was established in 1807 by Simon Fraser and named in honor of King George III.
Well...that's the latest from here on the home front...will keep everyone posted as soon as I hear from her in the great northwest! ; )
Remember Lauren...ride far, ride fast, remember those for whom you ride, and may the moon tuck you in with a smile on your face. See you in Alaska!
Love you much ~ Mom

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