Monday, July 5, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 31 ~ Bozeman to Helena, Montana

Talked to Lauren last night and she and the Rockies crew were in Bozeman, Montana; they had ridden from Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, a ride of 57.0 miles. Todays ride was a whopping 101.0 miles to Helena, but I know she is liking the beautiful northwestern state of Montana more and more as she gets further in to it! She sounded good; "such a beautiful place" she kept saying...yes, Lauren, it truly is a beautiful place!

She told me that while staying in the Grand Tetons National Park; near Jackson Hole, that she and her friend Ashton, and a few others opted not to go in to town on their day off. She said they had a wonderful lunch at the picturesque and historical Jackson Lake Lodge, with views of the Teton Range; imagine she says, "an entire length of wall built of glass with views of Jackson Lake and Mount Moran"! After lunch, they headed back to their campsite for a "dip" in the icy lake and a well deserved nap in one of the hammocks that they set up. She said that because there was road construction going on, they were not able to ride their bikes through, but that the construction crews were able to take them in their vehicles for a "spectacular view"!

The ride in to Bozeman was a good one; last night she and the others were staying with host families; her host family owns a house in Triple Tree Ranch I believe she said, and "Mom! These houses are like the ones you would see in Southern Living magazine. They are beautiful!". Her host family, an older couple was "a delight to be around" she said. ; ) I was also informed that there would be a fireworks show later (I think she said 10:30), but that she wasn't sure if she'd make it or not; I tried counting the yawns while on the phone with her, but lost count. ; )

Off to Great Falls tomorrow, and more updates will follow as I hear from her. Remember Lauren...ride far, ride fast, remember those for who you ride, and may the moon tuck you in with a smile on your face. See you in Alaska!
Love you much ~ Mom

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