Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 47 ~ Vanderhoof to Burns Lake, British Columbia

It's a few days since my last post; but as I have said before, the International calls are pricey, and Lauren says that the phone reception and Internet have been sketchy at best in some of the towns they have been staying in.
I spoke with her on Sunday evening, and unfortunately, she has come down with what sounds like a pretty bad sinus infection. Sickness and injuries are bound to happen at some point, but it certainly makes it hard on Momma knowing that her oldest is so far away, and I can't make it better. : (

So, Monday was spent well into early afternoon talking with her, the Canadian hospital in the town in which the crew was staying, and our local doctor trying to find out the quickest and cheapest way to get some antibiotics to her. Of course we have wonderful insurance, but if you are out of the country, well, it's not so wonderful. Just for her to walk in to the local hospital's E.R. and see one of the doctors would have cost her cost to $600 out of pocket; something that would have been understandable if she had a broken leg, or worse, but not for something like she has/had. Thanks to our family physician, she called in a Z-Pack (a strong 5-day antibiotic) for her to our local Walgreens. The meds and other sundries that she had requested in her next goodie package were boxed and ready to be sent from the Fed-Ex store; now mind you, she needed to get this package by Wednesday/today and I knew I would be cutting it close getting it sent to her. The kind Fed-Ex lady, with whom I have become fast friends with (LOL) told me that the package wouldn't get to Lauren until Thursday; good 'ole Canadian customs! Now, they would be arriving in Burns Lake, BC today and spending the night, then heading on to Smithers, BC tomorrow; usually they are up and riding pretty early, so the scenario of getting her meds and other said sundries to her was beginning to look a little bleak. So! I decided to head back to the house to wait on a phone call or text message from the princess to advise me on what she would want me to do. Now mind you, it's already 4:30 and the last pick-up would be at 7:30...let the pacing back and forth commence! LOL Luckily around 5:30 I got a call from her saying to go ahead and send the package and that she would be able to take one of the vans back to Burns Lake on Thursday if the package hadn't arrived by the time they left.
She called yesterday still not feeling well; said she is fine until her fever starts to creep back up, but that she has been alternating the Tylenol and Motrin as nurse Momma told her to do, along with keeping very hydrated. She said that she was able to get her hands on some Sudafed for the congestion and Mucinex to try and break up some of that crud. I told her to hang tough and am hoping and praying that her package will arrive and she will be able to get it without any problems!

Yesterday's ride was from Prince George to Vanderhoof; a ride of 61.0 miles. Today's ride; Vanderhoof to Burns Lake, BC, a ride of 83.0 miles.
More updates to follow!
Remember Lauren......ride fast, ride hard, remember those for whom you ride and may the moon tuck you in with a smile on your face. ; ) We'll see you soon in Alaska!
Love you much ~ Mom

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