Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 37 ~ Claresholm to Calgary, Alberta Canada

First of all, the pics are as follows: group ride dedications (Lauren is 7th from the right), Going to the Sun Road, and a picture of Claresholm, Alberta. I spoke w/ Lauren day before yesterday during their last day in Montana. Yesterday they crossed over in to Claresholm, Alberta Canada, a ride of 100.0 miles.
She is truly a girl after her own mother's heart, as she too fell in love with the beauty of Montana! ; ) I believe if she and the crew had been able to ride the Going to the Sun Road, it would have made her journey through even more magical; however, for those of you who have ridden on that road, understand that it is a nail biting drive of twists and turns, steep drop offs, and vistas that make you feel as though you are truly riding towards the sun. But safety rules, and since some sections of the road are narrow and winding with little or no shoulder, the crew decided to ride just East of the road. She sounds good and was excited about the cross-over in to Canada; hard to believe that they have already ridden that far!

Today's destination ride was to Calgary, Alberta, a ride of 97.0 miles. It will probably be a couple of more days before I talk to her, as we are getting her phone switched over to a temp international plan; will limit the calls as they are pricey, but at least she can get in touch with us; makes Momma feel better anyway! ; )
I've been asked to send another goodie package with the usual, more stamps, "fun surprises" as I come across them, glove liners, and her tennis shoes. Poor thing, no bigger than a bean pole, and she's not too keen on the really cold weather. LOL She wasn't too pleased the night she and the other riders spent the night at Grand Teton National Park; they all awoke to find that their tents had frozen somewhat. But that's okay; I keep telling her that "experiences such as these builds character!".

Remember Lauren......ride hard, ride fast, remember those for who you ride, and may the moon tuck you in with a smile on your face! We'll see you in Alaska!
Love you much ~ Mom

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I am working on a website for the town of Claresholm and am wondering if you would let us use the sunset picture you've posted here. Of course we would credit the photo with your blog. But we would need a larger file version for it to work. Do you have the original photo? Is the original photo larger?
