Friday, August 6, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 59 Thru Day 64 ~ Teslin, BC to Beaver Creek, Yukon Territory

Last I left you, and the Rockies crew were headed towards Teslin, BC. They crossed in to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory on August 2nd, and had the day off in Whitehorse on the 3rd. This is also where they finally met up with the Coastal (Sierra) Route riders; they have not seen each other since leaving Lampassas, Texas on June 6th. I still have not heard from Lauren; from the looks of the interactive route map that is on the Texas 4000 website, they are still somewhat "out in the wilderness"; I'm wondering if those peanut butter sandwiches and canned chili for lunch and dinner are starting to get old; perhaps they have been able to catch some fresh salmon from the lakes nearby. ; )

Here is how the rides have gone thus far......
Aug. 2nd ~Day 59 ~ Teslin, BC to Whitehorse, YT ~ 100.0 miles
Aug. 3rd ~ Day 60 ~ Rest in Whitehorse
Aug. 4th ~ Day 61 ~ Whitehorse to Haines Junction, YT ~ 93.0 miles
Aug. 5th ~ Day 62 ~ Haines Junction to Burwash Landing, YT ~ 75.0 miles
Aug 6th ~ Day 63 ~ Burwash Landing to Lake Creek, YT ~ 50.0 miles
Aug. 7th ~ Day 62 ~ Lake Creek to Beaver Creek, YT ~ 50.0 miles

And, here's a little information on those towns......
Teslin, Yukon Territory ~ A small town with a population of about 450. Settled in 1903 when a trading post was established to serve the Tlingit Indians.
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory ~ Known as Land of the Midnight Sun during the summer. Whitehorse was established as a trans-shipment point during the Klondike Gold Rush of 1898. Originally given the name by gold miners who thought the rapids at Miles Canyon looked like the manes of charging white horses.
Haines Junction, Yukon Territory ~ The establishment of Haines Junction dates back to 1942 and the construction of the Alaska Highway during WWII. With a culturally diverse population of over 800 people, Haines Junction lies on the Shakwak Valley of southwestern Yukon.
Burwash Landing, Yukon Territory ~ Burwash is a small community on the southern shore of Kluane Lake; it is home to the Kluane First Nation.
Lake Creek, Yukon Territory ~ Not much information on Lake Creek; Yukon government campground along the Kluane Lake.
Beaver Creek, Yukon Territory ~ Beaver Creek is just a few miles from the Alaska border on the Alaska Highway; it is the most westerly settlement in Canada. It is also home to the White River First Nation. Beaver Creek has a population of 140 year-round and 200 in the summer months (makes you wonder where those other 60 people come from during the summer).
7 days until we see Lauren and the rest of the riders of Texas 4000 cross the finish line in Anchorage; what a joyous and beautiful moment that will be! They have ridden fast, and hard, and they have remembered those for whom this ride was all about. Well done thy good and faithful servants...well done.
Lauren...may the moon tuck you in with a smile upon your face. We love you and we'll see you soon!
Love you much ~ Mom

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