Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lauren ~ Days 55 Thru 58 ~ Dease Lake Teslin, BC

Sorry...just realized I posted one of the pictures twice.
I am not sure if Lauren and the Rockies crew were able to finish riding north on Highway 37 towards the Yukon Territory border or not; the surrounding area not far from where they have been, has been battling forest fires, due to a very dry season thus far. I spoke with her night before last, and she informed me that they were supposed to hear updates from firefighters and forest rangers as to what would be the best route for them to take; I haven't heard from her since, but believe they were to take the support vans and travel back south, then over to another highway (I'm not certain which one), then travel north again towards the Yukon Territory border. They of course would ride in the support vehicles due to the fact that there would be no way they could bike that far without compromising their time; they are to meet up with the Sierra crew in Whitehorse, YT on the 3rd.

Anyway......Lauren sounds good, and is getting excited about seeing Momma and Liz next week; it's hard to believe that next week we'll be boarding the plane to Alaska! Where did the summer go? I've attached some pictures of her that have been posted by others on the crew to Facebook; I'm not sure where/when they were taken, but enjoy. ; )

Remember Lauren......ride fast, ride hard, remember those for whom you ride and may the moon tuck you in with smile on your face. We'll see you in Alaska! ; )
Love you much ~ Mom

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