Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Moment Arrived And What A Beautiful Moment It Was

Somewhere in your life, I hope you are able to experience a beautiful moment in time........a moment in time, which surpasses description.

That moment came for me on Friday, August, 13th. There were actually three beautiful moments; first and foremost was when after 70 days, I saw Lauren running towards me as I got out of the car. Her arms wide open, tears streaming down her face, and I being embraced in one of the sweetest hugs of my life. Her words softly spoken "You're finally here......I'm so glad you are here!".
Secondly was when Lauren and the Rockies and Sierra riders of the Texas 4000 allowed me in to their last ride dedications circle; this took place the morning of their last ride together; in a town about 40 miles from the finish line in Anchorage. When the riders left Texas back on June 5th, they would start off their days going forward with a ride dedication ceremony, so to speak. As each team of riders would link arms, they would one by one speak of those they would be riding for that day; they would carry that name with them throughout their day's ride.
As each rider took their turn, I kept hearing how "we" as cancer survivors are their warriors and heroes. But, let me tell you..........those 52 young people, who sacrificed their summers to ride 4,687 miles over 7o days from Texas to Alaska, through blazing temperatures, strong headwinds, forest fires, accidents and flat tires to help raise cancer awareness, THEY are "our" warriors and heroes!
And finally, the moment when all of those 52 young, dedicated riders crossed the finish line in Anchorage, Alaska. A moment filled with cheers and laughter knowing that they had finished what they started out to do; but, also a moment filled with bittersweet tears, knowing that they soon would be leaving the "family" with which each team had become over those 70 days.
As our last day here in Alaska draws near, and the girls and I prepare to fly back home to Texas, I will hold these moments forever in my heart. I feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to be with all of those strong 51 young people, the other one being Lauren. All of them......strong in spirit and strong in mind.

Love to all

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