Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lauren Rides ~ Day 5

Day 5 ~ Dallas to Lindsay, Tx. ~ 90.0 miles. Lauren sent a text this morning, and said she tried riding this morning. There was no joint pain (YEAH!!!) but she had to SAG again since scabs on knee still hasn't completely formed; letting it "air dry today. ; )

Yesterday's agenda included a middle school presentation and a birthday lunch for one of the riders. They also went to UT Southwestern Medical Center to see what was happening on their end in the cancer research department; one of the doctors shared with them that a feeling within the scientific community that a breakthrough on cancer is coming. A happy hour fundraiser downtown with a fajita dinner brought their busy day to a close! Today is the ride from Dallas to Lindsay, before crossing over into Oklahoma tomorrow.

Per one of the riders blog, "Everyone is getting so close already, and rarely does 10 minutes together go by without laughter. We've invented some games to make things more fun, such as rest-stop charades."

The pictures posted are from their stop-over in Stephenville. She is pictured in black shorts and tank top. You can click on each picture to enlarge.

Lauren ~ ride hard, ride fast, and remember those for who you ride ~ see you in Alaska!

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