Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 23 ~ Laramie to Medicine Bow, WY.

Lauren and the TK 4000 Rockies Crew are riding in to Medicine Bow Wyoming from Laramie today; a ride of 58.0 miles. I have been to Wyoming on a couple of occasions, and personally, I love the wide open ranges and rolling hills it has to offer. There is something about being out in the open vastness that make us realize how small we truly are! Here are some interesting facts about Medicine Bow...
Climate and Locality
Medicine Bow is located at the junction of Hwy. 30and487. It is the setting for Owen Wister's book, The Virginian, and the home of the Virginian Hotel. The town is located at an elevation of 6563 ft.; more than a mile above sea level. Here is what that means...
*Baked good need a little less liquid or a little more flour. Yeast really rises!
*Boiled foods take a tad longer to cook
*Produced ripens differently
*You exhale twice as much moisture as at sea level, which means you need to drink more water
*You sunburn a little more easily; the atmosphere is thinner, and more sun rays come through
*Medicine Bow is higher than the "mile high city"
*Higher and more persisten winds linger almost year 'round
*Shorter growing season for gardens
*The land in Medicine Bow is shaped by the wind, and the rolling hills have the shapes of sand dunes
*Winds blow daily from mid-September to mid-May, sometimes longer. The wind can be very hard in the winter. The people take pride that they get more wind than most places, and it does provide the power for the local wind farms
*Medicine Bow is the not the easiest place to live, but when things are easy, you miss alot of the fun
*The town covers about an area of 8 blocks long by about 6-7 blocks wide

More to come as I find out how their ride went later on this evening.

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