Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 22 ~ Cheyenne to Laramie WY.

Talked to Lauren this evening; it was so good to hear her voice! ; ) She and the Rockies crew rode from Cheyenne to Laramie, WY. today; a ride of 67.0 miles, all in all a good ride with a few showers and some downward hills. She said they rode Happy Jack Road/Wyoming 210 in to Laramie; I believe I-80 connects the two cities quicker, but Happy Jack Road from what I hear has more scenery.

She is staying with a couple and their 2 year old; members of a congregation from one of the local churches. The church fed them dinner, and then they were able to stay with various host families; she has a very nice built-out "basement" (there's her favorite word again - lol) to herself complete with laundry room and her own bathroom. She informed me that there are a few things she has had to get used to; sleeping in basements, not having to use the air conditioner, and sleeping with the windows open at night! Must be nice to be in cooler weather!

Someone told her this evening that they should try and get as early a start in the morning because "it was going to warm up and get hot rather quickly". Her response was "how hot?", with a reply of "oh...well up in to the upper 80's or lower 90's"......she had to laugh. ; )

Well...sounds like she had a good ride and a wonderful day! Miss her much, and can't wait to see her!

Remember Lauren...ride hard, ride fast, and remember those for who you ride! We'll see you in Alaska!

Love ya ~ Mom

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