Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 13 ~ Guymon, OK. to Springfield, CO.

Spoke w/ Lauren a few minutes ago, and if you can, give her a call or send her a text
(512-698-8155); she had a hard ride (a partial one) into Springfield, CO. today. I know she's tired, but broke down a little as she told me the ride was hilly, which wasn't too bad, but that they had a very strong wind against them the whole way today; her knee still has some tender points-the team physician told her it could be tendinitis issues and for her to make sure she stretches at night and in the morning before she rides, also to keep it iced down and take her anti-inflammatory. She'll be fine, I know she will, but I think it will help if she hears from others as they give her support! ; )

They are staying at Springfield High School, and will leave in the morning for Las Animas, CO. about an 84.0 mile ride. Said they received donated foods from one of the local pizza places, and I believe she said Italian also.

Up and off early to Las Animas, CO. Lauren - remember...ride hard, ride fast, and remember those for who you ride! See you in Alaska!
Love ~ Mom

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