Monday, June 28, 2010

It's All In The Eyes Of The Beholder ~ Medicine Bow, Wyoming

Spoke w/ Lauren last night, and our conversation turned out to be quite comical! Seems as though she and the Rockies crew pulled in to Medicine Bow, Wyoming late yesterday afternoon. To give you a better understanding of the "style" of town I'm talking about, the whole town is only about 8 blocks long if even that, and the population I believe is around 300; if you have ever been through or have seen pictures of Medicine Bow, it is like a western town that time forgot.

So, after getting settled at the Medicine Bow Community Church and being greeted by their hostess who later on I found out per Lauren, "she seemed to be the only normal person around", the crew was informed per this local "adament odd character of a preacher" that they (the crew) would give their presentation after the church service. Now you have to understand that the Texas 4000 Rockies riders have been gracing this little town for the past 4 years during their rides, and have never been met with such an odd, and almost overbearing kind of person that this local "adament odd character of a preacher" seemed to be! According to Lauren, he and his congregation put on a service of pure fire and brimstone preaching, and that I do believe my Lauren was taken aback quite a bit! I have to laugh at this, but in no way to I mean to offend any one of the the many people who attend these services. Now, this is where it turns a little more on the "not so nice side of things"; this local "adament odd character of a preacher" told the riders to "lay down their bikes", that they were "riding for the wrong reasons and should stop what they are doing..." so on and so forth. Lauren and a few of the others started getting very uncomfortable with this, and needless to say were glad to "get the heck outta there"! She said it was "pretty wierd to say the least"!

And now comes the funny part...a few of the riders, my daughter being one of them, decided to venture over to the local saloon. I have a feeling she was talking about the saloon in the old Virginian Hotel; named after the book and the movie starring Gary Cooper as the Virginian. After they scoped the place out, saw some of the "local characters", finding a table and ordering a few drinks (of what, I didn't ask), my daughter, who was born and raised in a big city, and has never seen the "farm side of life", looked up to see of all things coming through the saloon doorway, a goat. Yes, you read right, a goat! According to the "lady behind the bar", seems as though Medicine Bow has a town goat that wanders in and out of the saloon at his leisure! Lauren said that after what they had been through earlier, the goat was the topper of the evening and several good hearty laughs were shared by all! ; )

They were off early this morning for a 92.0 mile ride to Casper, Wyoming. I haven't spoken with her, so I'm hoping that they arrived safely, and are on their way to peaceful slumbers.

Ride hard, ride fast, remember those for who you ride and may the moon tuck you in with a smile on your face.

See you in Alaska!

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