Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 12 ~ Beaver to Guymon, OK.

Lauren called this evening to let me know they had arrived in their last town of Oklahoma; said she was pretty glad about it. Seems as though Guymon is known for their pig farms and slaughterhouses......and from what I've read on the internet, this one particular slaughterhouse has been written up numerous times with violations, and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) calls them one of their biggest nemesis. Anyway, cruelty to animals, and listening to things Lauren saw as riding into town (making her want to become a vegetarian) aside, they made it safe and sound. She has seen two jack rabbits; one living and the other in a non-upright position (LOL), llamas, "which are really, really tall with big butts" (LOL). I also believe she and the others have seen more roadkill on this trek so far! Eeewwwwww! "We'll be getting up at 4:00 and heading out at 6:00", she says. Hopefully she will get some better rest as she and a few of the other girls were able to stay in the parsonage; the riders are staying at the Living Word Church, and supposedly they have "rolled out the red carpet for us."

She has requested that the only thing that be sent with me sister, when she meets her in Boulder, is money for a fleece jacket. Seems her North Face wasn't anywhere to be found before she left on the trip; she will have a much better selection up there, and it will save me some time running the roads trying to find one here.

Well Lauren, you are heading to a beautiful state tomorrow, and I think you will enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells much more than you have in this your last locale!
Remember Lauren, ride hard, ride fast and remember those for who you ride ~ we'll see you in Alaska!
Love - Mom

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