Monday, June 14, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 10 ~ Watonga to Woodward, OK.

Spoke with Lauren this afternoon; she was playing "nursemaid" to one of the other girls who had taken a spill similar to what Lauren had done here before she left. It was Lauren's day to drive one of the support vehicles, so when this girl fell, Lauren drove her back to Watonga and the nearest hospital; all things turned out okay, and I believe she only had to have a few stitches and some rest time from her bike. Hope you're feeling better soon Kate!
Other than that, Lauren sounds good and excited; I think they are all running and riding on sheer adrenaline, as I've read they are up and going by 5:00 or 5:30 in the morning, and I bet their heads don't hit their pillows before 10:00!

Today's ride took them from Watonga to Woodward, Oklahoma, a ride of 72.0 miles. The weather was on their side today; cooler temperatures and mostly cloudy skies, a nice relief from some of the heat they have been riding in. They are spending the night at Woodward First United Methodist Church and were fed a variety of dinner salads, and peach cobbler a-la-mode! According to one young gentleman's blog, "We have been sleeping in churches for the majority of the time here in OK. To sum up alot of the interactions we have had with our hosts, I can tell you that God has blessed our team with amazing people who sacrifice a lot of time and work to feed us, and make us feel at home." Hoping they all have peaceful slumbers tonight. ; )
This same gentleman also posted on his blog...Some things to know if you are biking though OK:
1. The wind can be your best friend or your enemy from hell. Remember, OK. usually has a South wind...use it wisely.
2. Nice old ladies here can cook as good as the ones in Texas. They will also stuff you beyond belief too!
3. "Dude! There are armadillos here too?!?! AKA - Insane amounts of roadkill!"
4. OU's campus smells funny.
5. There is an insane amount of 18-wheelers here. Well, at least on 377 and 3.
6. The Native-American culture here is really interesting and I wish I had time to take it in more.
7. Sonic is very, very generous at donating!
8. The shoulders of the roads are all grated very deeply in the middle. You have to pick a side and stay with it. You will learn not to cross over because it creates a new definition to "vibrations".
9. Texas is always better, but know that you can find a Texas-sized heart in a lot of folks here.
Well said young man!

Lauren ~ Ride hard, ride fast, and remember those for who you ride! We'll see you in Alaska!
Love ~ Mom

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