Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 26 ~Shoshoni to Dubois, Wyoming

Just got off the phone with Lauren, and she and the crew are at the Whiskey Creek Saloon (perhaps named for the the nearby Whiskey Mountain) in Dubois, Wyoming; "probably going to have BBQ for dinner, then turn in as soon as I can; pretty tired" she told me. Said that compared to her comical experience in Medicine Bow, the town of Dubois is quite a bit larger, and they will be spending the night at the Dubois Elementary/Middle School; nice place from what I hear. ; )

Dubois is a small ranching town with a population of about 900 people or so and sits along the Wind River. Lauren said they rode through the Redrock Canyons coming in to Dubois; I believe they are to the east of the town. She said the ride was a hard one, but a good one; "riding through the canyons was absolutely beautiful", she claimed. The ride today was 96.0 miles; their third day in a row of 90+ mile rides. Tomorrow they will have a shorter ride, but she said it's pretty much uphill most of the way. They will be heading to Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming; a ride consisting of 66.0 miles. More updates to follow, and as I talk with her!

Remember Lauren~~~ride hard, ride fast, remember those for who you ride, and may the moon tuck you in with a smile on your face. See you in Alaska! ; )

Love you much ~ Mom

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