Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lauren ~ Day 8 ~ Rest Day In Oklahoma City

Spoke w/ Lauren this afternoon; she actually called to talk to her sister; Liz and I were out to lunch and shopping, and Momma managed to get some "talk time" in as well!

After their 120 mile ride to Oklahoma City, they had the day off there; I believe they had a couple of presentations, and were taking the time to also wash, repack, and run other errands that they may need to do on their "day off".
She sounded good, and said she had ridden the whole way ~ yeah!!! Appears her knee may be starting to heal finally! Reminded me of her "goodie list" and added a few extras; assured her that it would arrive at their next mail drop in Springfield, CO., and would be waiting on her. ; )

The pictures I've added are recent, but not sure what town they were in; she is the one holding the "X" in the Texas photo (bandaged knee and all), and in the other photo, she is front row all the way to the right with the yellow headband/bandana; you should be able to click on the image to enlarge it. It was good to see her face, and hear her voice!

Lauren ~ ride hard, ride fast, and remember those for who you ride! We'll see you in Alaska!

Love ~ Mom

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